Donna / Hot sun rock 84093 Decca 1972 sacem |
Rubber bullets / Waterfall 84158 Decca 1973 sacem |
The dean and I / bee in my bonnet 84183 Decca 1973 sacem |
The worst band in the world (lyric two) / 18 carat man of means 85034 Decca 1974 sacem |
The wall strret shuffle / Gismo my way 85069 Decca 1974 sacem |
Siily love / The sacro - iliac 86025 UK records 1974 sacem |
4 % of something / Waterfall 86093 UK records 1974 sacem (original UK issue in 1972) |
I'm not in love / The second sitting for the last supper 6008 013 Mercury 1975 sacem |
The second sitting for the last supper / Brand new day 6837 268 Mercury 1975 sacem |
Art for arts sake / Get it while you can 6008 017 Mercury 1975 sacem |
Lazy ways / How dare you 6008 020 Mercury 1975 sacem |
The things we do for love / Hot to trot 6008 022 Mercury 1976 sacem |
People in love / Good morning judge 6837 418 promo Mercury 1977 sacem |
People in love / Don't squeeze me like toothpaste 6173 510 Mercury 1977 sacem
Dreadlock holiday / Nothing can move me 6173 511 Mercury 1978 sacem |
I'm not in love / For you and I 6173 513 Mercury 1978 sacem (merci à Oursonsun) |
One-two-five / Only child 6173 514 mercury 1980 sacem |
Don't turn me away / Tomorrows world today 6059 479 Mercury 1981 sacem |